Music can emerge in the most unexpected places, like the arid shores of the dried-up Aral Sea in Uzbekistan. Can an electronic music festival held in this remote and unforgiving place inspire a creative renaissance – and shine an international spotlight on a little-known environmental disaster?
Would Apple be what it is today if Steve Jobs hadn’t studied calligraphy? Innovation comes from creativity. Creativity comes from relating unrelated ideas. Ideas come from a diversity of influences. So, join us as we explore remarkable people from every corner of the world and every discipline. See how they influence others, including me and my music. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find your next great idea.
From war to art to activism. Maya Lin artfully reframes our understanding of one key idea: live in harmony with our world.

Phara – Bret (Vault Sessions Amsterdam)

Artists possess a unique ability to capture the essence of the human experience and translate it into various forms of art. Whether it's through painting, sculpture, photography, or any other medium, artists have the power to evoke emotions, challenge perspectives, and ignite conversations. They offer us a glimpse into different cultures, historical periods, and personal narratives, enriching our understanding of the world.

/// Articles

/// videos

Red Bull Elektropedia
October 27, 2017
Zorba Production
February 22, 2022

/// Tutorials

January 9, 2023
Underdog Electronic Music School
July 18, 2022
Underdog Electronic Music School
August 21, 2019
Seed To Stage


Encoder Audio + Tom Whitwell


Rainbow Circuit
